by Sue Marshall | May 30, 2012 | Latest
The last few weeks have been very busy, as usual, at the nursery Iris of Sissinghurst. During late April, May and early June each year the nursery is at its busiest, preparing plants for shows and responding to interest from customers about iris plants. The highlight...
by Sue Marshall | Apr 23, 2012 | Latest
The Winter is finally over but Spring has displayed contrasting weather patterns. The second half of March experienced above average day time temperatures albeit with freezing temperatures over night. The Iris of Sissinghurst nursery has a large percentage of its...
by Sue Marshall | Feb 25, 2012 | Latest
Iris of Sissinghurst will hopefully attending the following Shows with plants in flower April Sunday April 15th Great Comp Garden Spring Fling Great Comp is in Platt near Sevenoaks Plant Fair open 11-5 Friday 20th -Sat 21st April Sissinghurst Castle Plant...
by Sue Marshall | Jan 24, 2012 | F.A.Q.
From the list below choose one of our FAQs topics, then select an FAQ to read. If you have a question which is not in this section, please contact us. Q.Why do my bearded Iris not flower every year? A. The main reason bearded Iris don’t flower regularly is that...
by Sue Marshall | Jan 11, 2012 | Latest
The winter season in Kent continues to be very mild. The temperatures in this part of Kent have remained above average throughout November/December and the first part of January 2012. The rainfall has been very limited and in tandem with the summer drought almost...
by Sue Marshall | Sep 21, 2011 | Latest
This time of year is always exciting at Iris of Sissinghurst because the new varieties to be launched can be announced & details entered on the website. This year is particularly important because the new varieties include Kent breed bearded iris. This country is...
by Sue Marshall | Aug 11, 2011 | Latest
It is now mid way through the summer of 2011. The dry period has continued with very litle rainfall in this part of Kent. This part of Kent is known as the Low Weald and the nursery sits on a clay soil. The ground is displaying signs of this dry period with large...
by Sue Marshall | Jun 27, 2011 | Latest
Whilst the Iris of Sissinghurst nursery has, at last, experienced some sustained summer rainfall the day and night time temperatures have averaged above the expected levels for this time of year. Gardeners in the south east of the British Isles have experienced...
by Sue Marshall | May 25, 2011 | Latest
Kent has experienced the warmest and driest April on record. The month of May has equally been very warm with little or no rain. The bearded iris at Iris of Sissinghurst have flowered much earlier than planned. A number of the intermediate and tall bearded...
by Sue Marshall | May 3, 2011 | Latest
The weather in Kent during late March and throughout April has been exceptionally dry linked to high day time temperatures. This is in marked contrast to the winter in this part of Kent. The bearded iris here at Iris of Sissinghurst have been encouraged...
by Sue Marshall | Apr 13, 2011 | Latest
The cold winter is coming to an end and the days are again getting longer. Sue Marshall, owner of iris of Sissinghurst has focused on attending a number of horticultural societies and presenting talks on iris. The talks range from growing iris, the...
by Sue Marshall | Jan 19, 2011 | Latest
The decision to increase the nos of potted iris placed under cover in the polytunnel/solar tunnels has turned out to be inspired given the onset of very cold days/nights and snow showers in the Kent area this winter. The snowfalls in late November and December...
by Sue Marshall | Nov 2, 2010 | Latest
This news update is being written at the beginning of November 2010. The autumn frosts have begun, albeit sporadically, but the leaves are starting to fall from the trees and the daylight hours are becoming noticeably shorter.The work at Iris of Sissinghurst has...
by Sue Marshall | Sep 27, 2010 | Latest
Despite the fact this is mid summer the nursery at Iris of Sissinghurst is beginning to prepare for next year. Plans are being finalised to divide bearded iris based on the growth of each variety.The only constant throughout the summer is the work that has to be...
by Sue Marshall | Aug 10, 2010 | Latest
The local weather in this part of Kent during July 2010 continued to be warm and dry. The Iris of Sissinghurst nursery is located on wealden clay and the extended periods of hot days with very little rain has resulted in garden lawns becoming straw like in appearance...
by Sue Marshall | Jul 22, 2010 | Latest
The month of June is at the end of the show season and this co-incides with an open weekend at the Iris of Sissinghurst nursery. The open weekend is always a bit fraught because of the uncertainty about the number of tall bearded iris still in flower. The late start...
by Sue Marshall | May 27, 2010 | Latest
It is impossible to talk about growing this year without making reference to the weather. In mid May very few of the Tall Bearded Iris being prepared for Chelsea were in flower. The Intermediate Iris were still in excellent condition at the nursery but the plants for...
by Sue Marshall | May 27, 2010 | Latest
This is the busiest month of the year for the Iris of Sissinghurst nursery. The short bearded iris flowering is virtually over by the start of May ( with a few exceptions) and the Intermediate Iris is at its peak. This year the harsh winter and ever changing weather...
by Sue Marshall | May 6, 2010 | Latest
The month of April is always very busy. The month of April is the start of the flower Shows when bearded iris are in flower. The short bearded iris, depending on the weather conditions, are in flower in April and by the end of the month Intermediate bearded iris are...
by Sue Marshall | Apr 12, 2010 | Latest
The weather in March has continued to prolong the feel of winter.The March days were of course getting longer and the move to British summer time at the end of March was a great relief. Iris of Sissinghurst has started to undertake talks to West Kent...
by Sue Marshall | Mar 24, 2010 | Latest
We wil be at the following Shows in 2010 with our Iris for Sale April Shows Sat 10th Great Brickhill Plant Fair Near Milton Keyes Fri 23rd Sissinghurst Castle Plant Fair Kent Sun 25th Garden Museum Plant Fair Lambeth May Shows Sun 2nd NCCPG Plant Fair Denbighs...