Early December in Kent has been dominated by mild temperatures and continuous bouts of rain. Fortunately for the nursery a decision was made in the autumn to increase the nos of potted plants placed under cover.This includes a number of new varieties that will be available in 2010.Those potted plants under cover can follow a strict watering regime whereas those potted plants in the open can experience too much watering. The plants in the stock beds have of course welcomed the rain following the really dry summer and the addition of gravel around the surface of the plants ensures efficient drainage thus avoiding potential damage to the plant.
The days leading up to Christmas has seen the temperatures drop and rain replaced by snow and freezing conditions. Iris plants do not mind these conditions and in fact ensure the enforced hibernation of plants before starting to regrow in early spring. Of course the snow has accumulated ontop of the polytunnel and solartunnels and we have had fun clearing the heavy snow from the tunnels to avoid any damage to the structures. Whilst the snow looks enchanting for a few days the novelty does wear off particularly if it causes too much disruption to everyday life. A prolonged cold but dry mid winter would be nice.
We are looking forward to a few days off over the Christmas and New Year period but will be available for telephone or email enquiries during normal office hours.
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.