As most of our customers are aware we cease mail order whilst plants are in flower and restart mail order when we start lifting new stock in mid/ late summer. We are then able to send out fresh rhizomes ready for planting and this is best time to establish new rhizomes.

Several customers have requested orders be sent out prior to this ,we can send out this years stock but please be aware that these will be plants that have probably flowered this season. If a plant on your order is now showing out of stock ,it simply means it is not available to order now not that you won’t receive your plants as they have been reserved when orders were placed.  Substitutions are only made with customers consent. If you would like your order sent out please contact me and I will try to arrange

New stock will be listed on website from mid July once stock beds have been inspected .

Orders for standard dwarf bearded and Intermediate bearded iris will be sent out from early July as we start lifting stock