We have attended several one day fairs in the last few weeks and although weather has improved flowering is still very late.

The short bearded Iris which are normally finished by now are in full flower and are looking fantastic with their lovely jewel like colours . We had several new short bearded Iris this year Forecasting Rain seemed an apt name for this year but didn’t disappoint with it’s beautiful dark purple shades.

Bees Knees ,a very pretty pink Iris and Flirting Again once again were most popular at sales.

We are now looking towards Chelsea Flower Show but will struggle to have all our plants in flower despite increasing watering and lighting. We will be relying on some Intermediate bearded Iris as well as Tall bearded Iris for our display for Cayeux Iris

After Chelsea comes the Kent Garden Show where we get to display our own Iris ,then open days at the nursery.