The nursery has been receiving enquiries about our plans for this year. Firstly the bad news. The nursery will NOT be opening for visitors or  open days this year. This is disappointing news and is partly linked to the pandemic which forced the move to prioritise online sales and the subsequent decision to reorganise the layout of the iris beds, including the creation of additional beds. This means there will be an increase in the range of varieties grown and hopefully improve the layout of the beds for visitors in future years. Work has already started on the building of the new beds with planting scheduled for late summer.

The good news is that the nursery will be attending both the Kent Garden Show and the Chelsea Flower Show this month. The Kent Garden Show is to be held between Friday 27th May to Sunday 29th May inclusive. The nursery treats this show as the most important in the calender and only the pandemic has stopped our recent participation. We are looking forward to seeing our friends and loyal customers after this long break and hope to have a number of new varieties on show.We will be at our normal site.

In addition to the above we have been asked by the Royal Horticutural Society to provide a small stand at the forthcoming Chelsea Flower Show. The show is on between the 24th and 28th May this year. The stand will be in the Great Pavilion and will include a number of Kent bred iris exclusive to the nursery. If you are able to attend Chelsea please look out for our stand. The plants will not be for sale at Chelsea but the majority will be available via the website.

Finally we hope to provide a progress report on the work being undertaken via this news page and other social media outlets over the next few months.