Ensata Irises

(often called Japanese Irises; previously known as Kaempferae). Suitable for bog & bed, not pond.

Like moist, rich soil; will grow in up to 3 inches of water in summer, but must not be deeply covered in water in winter; no lime; sunny position; can also be grown in garden bed or pots kept well watered.

Fans of sturdy foliage; flowering stems 2 to 4 feet tall rising above foliage; flowers up to 6 inches across; colour range largely white to purple with yellow markings; innumerable variations of pattern as well as plain; flowers June and July.

Rhizomes should be planted about three inches deep, spaced 18 inches to two feet apart; need dividing about every four years. They are heavy feeders. We have a large number of different varieties including:

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