Kent Garden Show 2023

Kent Garden Show 2023

The Kent Garden Show is being held at Detling Showground on A249 over the Bank Holiday weekend Sat 27th-Monday 29th May. This show is the premier annual garden show in the county of Kent and is always held over this annual bank holiday. The event includes outside...

January 2021

Since our last update the summer and autumn seasons have passed and we are now into January 2021. For those of us lucky to have gardens we have been able to retreat away from the pandemic to our own small worlds for much of the last few months.The start of the new...

Winter 2017-2018

The September open day was the last public event held by Iris of Sissinghurst for 2017. We recognised a number of people from the Kent Garden Show as well as new customers. The open day also gave us the opportunity to raise money for the Kent Air Ambulance Service (It...

Early autumn 2016

The very dry and warm late summer period in September is now over. The temperatures are now close to the seasonal average for Kent. The lack of rain means the ground is very dry and a period of rain would be welcome(but not too much!). The reblooming bearded iris (see...

September 2016

After a busy and sucessful season we are now lifting and potting up all our new stock for 2017. There are several new varieties ,some  of which are exclusive to Iris of Sissinghurst ,such as Invicta Sapphire, Brandysnap and Kent Skylark.These have been breed in the...

Spring 2016

At long last it finally looks like spring is arriving and with the warmer weather our short bearded have started flowering .This week Iris Hocus Pocus and Iris Dark Vader are both in flower and Flirting Again and Sapphire Gem have swollen buds with just a hint of...

Autumn 2015

As you can see we have been busy upgrading the website and I am really delighted with the new look .I hope you all are pleased too. But as usual this autumn has seen us dividing Iris stock ad we have some stunning new varieties on offer. Tall bearded Iris such as Sea...

Open Day

After a very successful Chelsea Flower Show and Kent Garden Show ,more to follow in a separate news item we are holding an Open Day at Roughlands Farm on Sat 30th May 2015 10.00 -4.00 We still have large numbers of Iris for sale and a good display of flowering Iris so...

Jan 2014

Happy New Year This certainly has been an interesting start to the New Year The nursery was almost flooded over Christmas and one of our polytunnels was damaged in the high winds and storms Still the weather has ,fingers crossed ,started to improve and work has...


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