The very dry and warm late summer period in September is now over. The temperatures are now close to the seasonal average for Kent. The lack of rain means the ground is very dry and a period of rain would be welcome(but not too much!). The reblooming bearded iris (see the section on reblooming bearded iris) are now showing some colour. The variety Rosalie Figge is now actually in full flower!! The dry ground (it is good old low weald clay) has meant we have not been able to dig as many bearded iris to pot ready for 2017. We therefore intend to spend the week 10th October completing this work. This unfortunately means there will be delays in dispatching any new orders now placed until the following week. We have left a message on the nursery telephone so that any callers will be aware we will not be available. Apologies for any inconvenience this will cause. Any recorded messages will be actioned at the end of next week.
Early autumn 2016
by Sue | Oct 6, 2016 | Latest, News, Uncategorized