Since our last update the summer and autumn seasons have passed and we are now into January 2021. For those of us lucky to have gardens we have been able to retreat away from the pandemic to our own small worlds for much of the last few months.The start of the new year will hopefully see the beginning of the return to some degree of normality for us all. The nursery was able to complete all its prewinter work after the creation of additional iris beds in the autumn. The newly planted iris are looking in good condition with early signs of growth.

Those potted iris which we keep  under cover in the tunnels are also in excellent condition and should create a wonderful display of colour when in flower this summer. We have received some feedback from clients in the last couple of months where delays have occured as a result of national postal difficulties. These issues seem local to particularly postal areas but delays have been minimal and orders have always been delivered. We have a number of new varieties available for this season so please look on the website to see if any are of interest. Do not hesitate to contact if you have any questions.

Whilst  2021 brings promise of an end to the pandemic the new year has however brought real difficulties in our ability to now send orders to countries within the European Union and Northern Ireland. The new protocols, forms and procedures are proving both costly and complex. We have therefore decided reluctanly,certainly in the short term, to stop selling our plants to those clients in the EU and Northern Ireland. We anticipate that many other specialist nurseries will be facing the same problems.

Whilst online sales will continue this year we do not know whether we will be able to participate in any shows or if it will be possible to organise opendays here at the nursery. As soon as it is possible to confirm any arrangements we will publish those details.