September 2016

After a busy and sucessful season we are now lifting and potting up all our new stock for 2017. There are several new varieties ,some  of which are exclusive to Iris of Sissinghurst ,such as Invicta Sapphire, Brandysnap and Kent Skylark.These have been breed in the...

Open Day May 2016

Following a very successful time at Chelsea Flower Show and the Kent Garden Show we have decided NOT to hold an Open Day this year. We have sold out of almost all of our plants in flower and although the display beds are looking good with lots of flower we have...

Open Day

At present I am hoping to hold an Open Day on Saturday 4th June between 10.00 and 4.00. This will depend if there are sufficient plants still in flower and I will update website to confirm this . We will of course be at Kent Garden Show over the May Bank Holiday and...

Mail Order May 2016

The Iris season is now quite advanced and plants are coming into flower or have advanced buds .It is not an ideal time to plant and so the majority of  mail order will now be delayed until mid June onwards when we lift new stock. However customers can always contact...

Spring 2016

At long last it finally looks like spring is arriving and with the warmer weather our short bearded have started flowering .This week Iris Hocus Pocus and Iris Dark Vader are both in flower and Flirting Again and Sapphire Gem have swollen buds with just a hint of...

January 2016

Happy New Year . The heavy and continuous periods of rain across the UK has made it very difficult to take advantage of the mild conditions for planting. The nursery would not recommend that you attempt to plant either bearded or non-bearded iris whilst the wet...

October 2015

Ongoing work at the nursery is going well and we are currently restocking and replanting our show and stock beds. Lots of new varieties for next year as well as some old favourites. However in order to complete this work  there will be delays in mail order delivery...

Autumn 2015

As you can see we have been busy upgrading the website and I am really delighted with the new look .I hope you all are pleased too. But as usual this autumn has seen us dividing Iris stock ad we have some stunning new varieties on offer. Tall bearded Iris such as Sea...

Open Day

After a very successful Chelsea Flower Show and Kent Garden Show ,more to follow in a separate news item we are holding an Open Day at Roughlands Farm on Sat 30th May 2015 10.00 -4.00 We still have large numbers of Iris for sale and a good display of flowering Iris so...

Winter 2014/15

This winter has been very productive The new poly tunnel is now fully completed and full to overflowing with Iris plants ready for the forthcoming season. We have several new plants and these will be listed on the website in the next couple of weeks . We will also...

Open Days and Kent Garden Show

Apologies to all our regular customers who either visit nursery or see us at the Kent Garden Show  but this year we are not holding any open days or having a stand at the garden show. Building work is not completed at nursery and so we are unable to welcome visitors...

Chelsea 2014

Yet again Iris of Sissinghurst was growing Iris for Cayeux display. This year we created a small garden like display and the Irises performed beautifully A silver gilt medal was awarded to the stand and we were all very happy. It was a difficult year ,totally...

May 2014

Apologies for not updating website more often this spring but time seems to have just flown by and we have been incredibly busy. The Iris we are growing for Cayeux Iris for Chelsea 2014 are growing well  Last year we struggled to have any in flower ,this year we are...

Jan 2014

Happy New Year This certainly has been an interesting start to the New Year The nursery was almost flooded over Christmas and one of our polytunnels was damaged in the high winds and storms Still the weather has ,fingers crossed ,started to improve and work has...

Open Day 8th June

Last weeks open day was very sucessful and there was a mix of Intermediate bearded Iris and Tall bearded Iris in flower .This week the polytunnel is full of tall bearded Iris in flower and looks spectacular Some of the new varieties grown for Cayeux Iris for Chelsea...

Open days

This year the weather has delayed flowering of all of our Irises . At the moment we still have short bearded Iris and Intermediate Irises in flower and no tall bearded Iris in flower The plants we grew for Cayeux Iris for Chelsea Flower Show were severely delayed by...

May 2013

We have attended several one day fairs in the last few weeks and although weather has improved flowering is still very late. The short bearded Iris which are normally finished by now are in full flower and are looking fantastic with their lovely jewel like colours ....

April 2013

First one day show and hoping for good weather. Iris of Sissinghurst will be at the Spring Plant Fair at Great Comp Garden West Kent on Sunday 14th April. Although none in bloom yet we will have a wide range of short and intermediate bearded Iris for sale with some...
New website for nursery

New website for nursery

There has been a lot of work taking place during the winter months to update the website for Iris of Sissinghurst. New technology requires that we update the website to make it easier for customers and those interested in iris to navigate around the pages of the site...


The last few weeks have been very busy, as usual, at the nursery Iris of Sissinghurst. During late April, May and early June each year the nursery is at its busiest, preparing plants for shows and responding to interest from customers about iris plants. The highlight...


The Winter is finally over but Spring has displayed contrasting weather patterns. The second half of March experienced above average day time temperatures albeit with freezing temperatures over night. The Iris of Sissinghurst nursery has a large percentage of its...

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